
A series of Services IAMOMEEZ offers.

Services:"Its my job to understand what i can bring to the creative table that will be shared to your personal outlets, The content we create will be the results in value for all."


Influencer | Photographer | Cinematographer

Meez is a photographer and cinematographer based in the Bay Area, who has established himself as a well-known influencer. He specializes in capturing the essence of street culture, landscapes, lifestyle, and editorial content through his lens. Meez understands the importance of high-quality, engaging photo and video content for digital platforms, and he strives to provide his clients with the best possible content.

One of Meez's key strengths is his expertise in Instagram marketing and creative consultation. He works closely with brands and agencies to improve their visual strategies and content quality. He is able to provide insights into how to use Instagram to raise awareness for businesses and brands alike. Meez is also known for building strong communities on social media, and he has established many relationships with brands and other influencers in the industry.

BlackScale x Reebok Shoot

BlackScale x Reebok Shoot

Creative | Marketing Consultation

Meez is also passionate about sharing his knowledge and experience with others. He offers workshops and mentorship programs in photography, film, and creative conceptualization. These workshops cover topics such as visual education, resume building, business approach, brand building, and understanding Instagram marketing.

To create a successful influencer business, Meez has been building a strong personal brand. He has established himself as a leading mind in the Bay Area, with a fastest growing local community and international recognition. He has also expanded his services to include photo editing, graphic design, and creative direction, which allows him to provide a full-service offering to clients and differentiate himself from competitors.

Overall, Meez's expertise in photography, cinematography, Instagram marketing, and creative consultation, as well as his passion for sharing his knowledge and experience, have the potential to create a successful influencer business.